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to try it on after supper.

I went out to the little house which smells pretty moth bally, and shouldn't be very attractive to insects. Everything seems to be all right there, tho' as yet I haven't looked about very much.

The cat has been out several times when the baby would forget to shut the door, but was quickly caught and brought in less than 10 or 15 minutes after escape. I don't believe the cat would go far off, but I don't want him out to catch the birds. That robin is setting on the nest - same one rebuilt - for a second time. The cat birds are all about the house, too.

I want to go to Cambridge just as soon as my dress is finished, if not before. I shall get in by the end of the week anyhow. 

We were trying to fancy you tonight on the train and hoping that it was not too hot or wearisome travelling out, and that you were sleeping nights in spite of the jolts. Don't stint your money on food. You need all the nourishment that you can get.  I have gotten tomatoes, oranges/ the little ones) and other vegetables into the house here, but no eggs yet and the baby misses them, but will get some tomorrow. I hope to get them onto a reasonable rationfor a while at least!         

Have a good time