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Stoughton, Mass
8 Jan 1934

Dear Sid:

The sun is shining spasmodically and a Monday wind trying to dry up the mud and puddles. They are cheerful anyhow.

Ms. O. hasn't shown up yet or sent word, and Pa is still alive and kicking. In fact he is literally kicking. Ever since Ma got his clothes changed Sat. night he has been inclined to go off the handle pretty easily and punch anyone who is near. I got the full benefit of it yesterday, and Mr. Cobb about 3AM today, I was wakened by a loud argument, or declaration, "I'll shoot you, I will, I'll shoot you", which went on for some minutes and then I went in and got him to bed. The heat had failed to come on and he was crazy that someone should tend to it. But today he seems weaker and has slept pretty much all day. It is noon, now and I expect he will wake up and be strenuous pretty soon. He is short breathed after these excitable days and I think they may cause another shock, or be the symptoms of another. His cough isn't quite as bad.

The baby is out on the porch with the dog. She hasn't been out for 2 days on account of the pouring rain. She has been packing up all her little toys saying, "Now we'll go back to Washington." I have been starting her on her arithmetic and endorse her first attempts