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Stoughton Mass
Wed. 29 Aug 1928.

Dear Sid:
I didn't have a chance to write yesterday. Between the baby, company and trying to rest myself, I was quite occupied. I think I am getting rested in spite of it all though, and the baby was pretty good yesterday and didn't have much colic and slept. She was restless last night, but didn't keep the family awake by crying.
I am giving her about an ounce of Dryco after each feeding during the day. She appears to digest it, but I have no idea how much more or less she ought to have and no scales to weigh her. If only you were here to take her down to the store, we could tell whether she is holding her own all right or not. Pa's scales are all right for ounces, and if we can get along without weighing her this week, there seems to be no need to bring up our scales.
Ralph + your mother were up a little while last night. Your mother is curious to look at the child, but doesn't seem to want to hold it at all, and I don't suggest it, because the less holding the better. My mother would sit all day with her in her arms. Ralph is much amused over the name.
At present I have her in my old baby carriage out on the lawn, and she is on her belly sleeping. Every time she moves, the carriage jounces up and down on its springs and sends her to sleep again. It is really a very good sedative and so far - this is the