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Stoughton, Mass
26 July 1942

Dear Sid:

There isn't anything much to write about but I am wasting one of the few sheets of the block on a letter. You had better bring another block when you come, as this isn't much.

We sweltered yesterday, but today the wind is northeast and we are comfortable. Doris went to church with Mabel and had some surprise awaiting her in the genuflections and chantings of an Episcopalian service. She didn't even recognize the place of the collection and came out with her 10ยข again. So she and Mabel had an ice cream instead, and got home as we, tired of waiting, were about to eat our Sunday dinner. 

I have been cutting down wild cherry trees, and after I was thru, heard a commotion in another quarter and found Ma vigorously sawing away, too. She couldn't resist such activity. She is surprisingly active and alert. I have made that dotted dress over with her help, and even gotten out of remnants of it a short smock, in addition. It has been very pleasant to her to do it.

Amy came over yesterday.. I have been doing her portrait, you know. She thinks of staying home next