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positions as staunchly as German & English battle lines but didn't get to blows. He is a good one to deal with her. I expect the fur may fly someday, as both have sharp tempers.  He went down town last night after you left and surveyed the square and all the churches and is very enthusiastic over what he wants to do in drawing churches.  He has been writing letters all the forenoon. 

I hope you didn't get rain until you reached your night's stop. It has been drizzling a little early here but is clearing now, and the sheets are dry. I think you may be having like weather, hope so, anyhow -- dreadfully muggy, though. 

I want to take them down to Onset Tuesday if I can.  Mrs. Robbins wrote that she would be delighted to have us & would meet us on the train from Brockton & maybe take us to Provincetown if there was time, but I want him to draw a picture. I am looking forward to your card tomorrow. 
