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Alice rode home with [[Mr./Mrs.?]] Turner, rather disappointedly. She had been enjoying herself here. But she re-appeared again this morning having forgotten her rubbers. As it is a terribly hot day, I have urged her to stay till the cool of the evening before the long hot walk back.

My mother feels the heat and is upstairs. The cat spent the night out awaking me at 3AM in his usual manner. (We are sleeping on the porch).

I painted the bathroom this morning. It wasn't much of a job. I mean to varnish the linoleum too later.

I hope you are enjoying a cool place to work at least. Don't do too much or stay up too late nights, and be careful Saturday when you drive back.


Transcription Notes:
I guess caring for real 1941 linoleum included varnishing it – notes from a culture lost to time