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cried over them. And pretty soon, I heard Lester Gay & his wife come up and I bid her goodbye. She was just as happy to see them and didn't notice we slipped out. I think her mind is a bit disordered, and she seems in a highly nervous upset shocked state. It must have been quite a shock, although as she lay there, I couldn't see much paralysis of her limb - she moved her hands and arms constantly. The right side of her face was drawn, and the bad eye shut and lip as if paralyzed with some clumsiness of speech. It would be better if she could pass on.

It is a rainy afternoon, after a very windy night & forenoon, - a storm from the South. You have probably had it already. Mrs. B. and Doris went to Episcopal church & sang in the choir this morning. And now Mrs B has gone to spend the afternoon & call on a friend and Doris has gone down to Helen Bullock's - the crippled girl at Steele's. And I am listening to the N.Y. symphony and the splatter of rain outside.

Doris mowed the lawn yesterday and
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I transplanted tomatoes in the backyard from in back in the shade to the front where a row had died. They aren't very thriving for some reason, this season, and I doubt if they got many. It has been a late spring and I fear the ones grown indoors or in pots weren't in very good shape when set out. I did hoe up a little plot & planted lettuce seed, too.

Yesterday Doris went marketing, - no soap here, no meat, no oleo. She bought a lb of butter & then heard the news of the drop of 8 points, too bad, but we aren't spending any red points otherwise, as there isn't anything to buy. We had baked haddock. Doris says she had just as soon have it all summer, and I guess we shall!

Doris is missing Mabel. There isn't any prospect of Mabel getting out of the hospital for some weeks possibly not before school begins. Rheumatic fever is a long thing, very painful and hard to combat. Doris wants to get a job over in Brockton on the Enterprise, as "copy girl". She said she wouldn't take a full time job, only part time if she could get it. She called

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