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  Tomorrow I may go to Cambridge again. Mr. Banks is going on his vacation after next week and I shall not be able to get into the place then for several weeks. I plan to finish up there the week you will be working at Cambridge. I picked out enough specimens to make a good paper next fall the other day. 

  Are you taking most of your dinners up in Clarendon? I hope they get that lunch room started out at Beltsville before another winter. They need to have a good hot meal then. What do you do for sandwiches?

  I haven't seen any grapefruit up here. D. has been getting expensive oranges. The apple crop is going to be good here, but prices are very high for apples now. 

  Have you tried using the washing machine? I hope my roses are not being eaten up by the Jap beetles. Give them a good wetting down when you do the tomatoes and don't forget the African violet & azalea. 

In a little over 2 weeks now you will be coming up. 
