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Today Miss Colcord is coming up to pay us a call, just about the time Mrs B leaves. Doris has rigged up her badminton poles and net and gotten all ready to play a game when Mabel comes over. Mabel wants her to go to the movies with her tonight. I said she might but not again, that I would not have her out evenings and I won't.
I called on Amy and her folks yesterday afternoon and enjoyed them. Amy's girl is here and going to a secretarial school in Boston. Amy is pleased to have her near Both of Elizabeth's boys are enlisted, the older is in an officers training school like Richard, the younger altho enlisted in the Navy, hasn't been called and works in the A & P. They think the European war will soon be over, this summer maybe. I suppose that is to keep them from worrying too much
I stopped for a moment at the Drakes' on the way home - the barn platform has been rebuilt and looks very well. They have mowed all around the place. The little trees look fine, all but two, which come up from the bottom I think they will have to be replaced.
I gave Mrs B $20 - Doris said not to give her any after her actions, and she said, "I don't need to write to you about it next year, you will keep on doing it." I am glad I didn't give her any more. I was thinking of $25 yesterday but couldn't stomach it. If you could see how she spends it - on hair-dos, hotels, clothes--etc. and all for her own carcass as much as a cat- ugh-