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have been to the movies most of the afternoon. Doris painted the porch screens this forenoon. I went berrying again down by Jonathan Capen's and ended by having another swim at York Pond. It does seem good to get into the water. I haven't before this summer. I will try to get a swim now as often as I can in the time remaining. I have done my stint at berrying.

Sunday PM

Lena came out before noon today and is going to stay over till tomorrow morning. She is looking rather thin and tired.

This afternoon we walked up to the [[hohl?]] neighborhood and got a dozen eggs at the house below [[Athreson's?]]. Miss [[Coleard?]] and Gregory have 

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been over for a few minutes at sunset. She is leaving tomorrow to return to Rockport and will go back slowly after Labor Day stopping in NJ and at Philadelphia. She is looking very well. She asked especially of you.

Doris is knitting on her sweater. She wanted to go to the movies again this afternoon with Mabel but I put my foot down, - 2 movies in 2 days is one too many, I think. She stomped through the house at a great rate, waking up my mother from her nap. But after a bit she went down to see Helen Bullock and seemed in good temper when she came back.

I think I shall start canning pears tomorrow as they are
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