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Would you have room
to bring up D.'s
white grad. dress, it is
in the small
wooden chest
in your front room.

Stoughton, Mass.
31 July 1943.

Dear Sid:

  I am so disappointed for you that you can't go out for that trip.  It would have been such a good change.  But let's not think of it any more.  Maybe you can get a week at the beach in Sept.

  Doris feels badly about letting the bunny go.  She wanted him up here.  However --.

  It has cleared off here and I went berrying this forenoon up in Avon.  I found them very plenty and mean to go again tomorrow forenoon.

  Doris and Mabel have gone over to Brockton for their Sat PM. swim. Mabel has so much housework