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summer. I knew Miss Colcord wants Mabel to go to college so I thought I would show her about and get her interested in it. After that we went hunting for shoes and of all the awful times, - Doris is hard enough to satisfy at the best of times, but when shoes are so scarce as they are now, it is terrible. Mabel bought herself a pair of good moccasins, not rationed, fairly cheap $2.79. But [[it's time?]] was a pair Doris' size, she was by that time at the hopeless stage where she wouldn't look at them but bawled. She can't find anything satisfying because her feet [[underline]] are [[/underline]] big, and her idea of how footwear ought to look don't correspond at all with what she can get on. So we went in store after store in fruitless search, - I wanted to let her see how there wasn't anything, at at last came home. Mabel said, "The only thing I want is