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wanted to be divorced as soon as possible and planning to marry as soon as the thing went thru. Dorothy has gotten a job as a receptionist at the Mass. Gen. Hosp. thru Nat Faxon. Amy said she showed good spirit, tho she was so alone and broken hearted. She thought the world of him and Amy said "all her eggs were in one basket." Amy thought he was behaving pretty brutal. I said that he was 10 years younger than Dorothy.

Amy is planning to stay home this year tho she loved it in Florida and they tried to get him to return, but her mother doesn't want to and Amy won't leave her mother - she says she has slept with her ever since her father died. She would like to get some sort of secretarial work near, not in Boston, and not all day if possible, just enough to keep on working so as to get her social security (in 2 more years)