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Natilee has got a job in N.Y. City much to Amy's disappointment in Macy's. She wants eventually to be a buyer.

  Amy says she is going to wheel over Elizabeth's state baby some afternoon soon. She likes to talk. We gave her that little hole-chair we had for Doris for Elizabeth's baby, and she went home waving that and laughing, "I went to a funeral and came home with a hole-chair."

  Well, I must get on the vegetables. I've been resting up from chopping trees all this while. Ma is snoring on the couch. She has a nap before dinner and another before supper pretty regularly.


  Glad to hear of the bean's progress. Hope the tomatoes are going well. The mail man has brought your Sat & Sun cards. Too bad about Sunday. There is a cabbage in the vegetable ice box dish, don't forget it.