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Stoughton, Mass.
18 July 1943

Dear Sid:
You must be having a very hot Sunday if it is in proportion to ours here. I don't know the exact temperature but bet it is up in the 90's. It seems hotter than any day up here so far, altho there is plenty of breeze. I wish you might be down at the beach. 

Mrs. B. has packed all up to go, and will leave tomorrow afternoon. I gave her $20. She said she had expected about $25, that it was very acceptable, and that she felt she deserved it. Anyhow she will be gone till the 1st of Sept.

Doris and Mabel went swimming yesterday but not to Brockton. When Doris came home she said Mabel called Brockton "an old mudhole" and had taken her to Glen Echo, and