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United States Branch
Royal Exhange Assurance
95 Maiden Lane, New York.

Gayle T. Forbush                   Arthur Waller
   United States Manager               Assistant Manager

Britton & Blake Agents
    9 Freemen St. 
   Stoughton, Mass.

Dear Sidney,-
           Glad to get your letter and to hear that you were planning to have a good vacation at home this summer. You see, I call Stoughton home, altho it is not where you have lived for a great many years. I suppose Washington must be beautiful about now and once or twice I have been tempted to jump on the train and step off in the morning at Washington and drop around for breakfast. Ralph is home now and a friend from college. Henry's vacation does not for another week, or until Ralph's is finished. I am sorry they couldn't have come at the same time. It is about 34 in the morning now but the sun gets warm altho we have been having lots of cold wind.
Always glad to see a letter in the mail from you. 
                                        Love from Ralph