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Grandma B. was not feeling very well for a day or two but she was good and took oil at once and her sickness did not last so long. I am sending your rubbers back. I should have done so long ago.
    Oh we had a wonderful time in Washington and we thank you so much for it. I guess we will all be glad to have spring come again.
Hope you keep well and warm 
Let us hear from you.
All wish to be remembered.
Jun.28 I find that Henry has written all over my envelope S will send it along. and put both in another envelope. He is a [[underlined]]case [[/underlined]].

 My dear Davis.
I have been intending to write to Sidney and you ever since we came home but my letter writing has been badly neglected of late. However I have just gotten from Ralph B
He figures that Davis wished me to get concerning the radio outfit. Ralph thinks it would have cost about forty-dollars. The sets themselves are about thirty and then earphones batteries and bulb are extra.
He will fix one up and put it in for you at the lowest figure he can get one for. M