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so Henry and I dressed and drove down and I unlocked our door and went in and turned on all the lights and there sure was plenty of smoke. I opened the window and the back door to let the smoke out. The fire did lots of damage in the Dykeman store but was held there except for the smoke that went all thro the building. Lucky it was discovered so early or the building would surely have gone if it had got much more of a start. Hope you will get this letter Saturday. We have been having two or tree fine warm days which has given us a chance to get some of the smoke out of the office. Love Ralph

[27 Feb. 1931]

Dear Sidney,-

Glad to get your letter and to know that spring has started in Wash. it is a good sign. We still have snow in the fields but it is about gone on the roads. Had a letter from Mary and as you say she seems somewhat discouraged on real estate matters. Guess her lots are valuable if everything goes right. I spent four days last week in Boston waiting to testify in a case for Mr. Leonard as to some signatures made at the bank and went on the stand Friday afternoon and court adjourned until Tues. morning at ten o'clock when I again went on the stand and finished. It wasn't that I talked so long but they ask you

Transcription Notes:
On the next page is an electric company named Dykeman, this may be the same, but would it be considered a store?