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[[Four Columned Table]]
|Names| Index of Letters| Names| Index of Letters|
|Johnston.Thos. P. Lieut. Col.| 3.b. 12. 39. N.44.|Krough. Richard Mr.| 20.|
|Johnston. Allen. (cold.)|K.20|Kepps. Anderson|119.|
|Jordan. Wyatt| F.46|King. Willis|&128. b.144.|
|Johnston. Sidney (cold.)|W.60. W.61|1868.|---|
|Jenkins. Robr. L. Dr.| 66.|---|---|
|Jordan. Arthur Mr.| 99. R. 100. 120|---|---|
|Jones. John| B.103.|---|---|
|Jordan. Thomas| B109.|---|---|
|Johnston, Tho. P Jr. Col.|131.|---|---|
|Jackson. H + Bro.| F.141.|---|---|
|Johnston. Stephen| F.141.|---|---|

Transcription Notes:
Several lines crossed out.