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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands,
Office of Superintendent of Education
Raleigh, N.C. July 21, 1868

Lieut. C.W. Dodge
A.S-A.Com'r. Edenton, N.C.


Yours of the 15th inst. enclosing vouchers is at hand. As these vouchers are vitiated by having your official signature attached to them, I return them. Please find enclosed another set for the same month which you will oblige me by signing without your official rank. When the check shall have been rec'd by you, you will please send it to the teacher of the school or any other person who may be authorized to receipt for the same making it payable to his order, securing yourself by taking his receipt. I send enclosed also a set of vouchers for the June rent, for your signature. Please sign and return both sets at your earliest convenience.

I will thank you to forward to me the name of the person who is authorized to receipt for the rent — also his P.O. address, and then I can send future vouchers to him without troubling you.

Yours respectfully,
F.A. Fiske
Supt. of Education

[L-B. vol.5. p.91.]