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Report of the Time of Meeting of the County Courts in the Sub=Division of Edenton, with the names and residence of the Chairmen and Solicitors.

[[6 column table]]

|County. | Time of Meeting. | Chairmen.|   | Solicitors.|   |

|   |   |Name|Residence.|Name.|Residence.|

|Chowan | 1st Monday in Feb. May Aug. & Nov. | R.D. Simpson.| Chowan Co. N.C. | H.A. William. | Edenton. N.C.|

|Bertie | 2nd Monday in Feb. May Aug. & Nov. | Lewis Thompson. | Bertie Co. N.C. | John William. | Bertie County. N.C.|

|Perquimans. | 2 Monday in Feb. May Aug. & Nov. | Edwin Brace. | Hartford. N.C. | Thos H. William | Hartford. N.C.|

Office A.S.A. Comr
Edenton. N.C. Nov. 8th 1867.

C.W. Dodge.
2nd Lieut. V.R.C. & A.S.A. Comir.