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will give its duration by a long or short vowel & perhaps the different vowels give other shades but they are undecided & change very easily in running from one language to another or even in the same tongue. Besides the vowel there is the critical consonant --the starter of the movement not very important & the final which stops it gradually or fetches it up all a standing like a t or a p. [[strikethrough]] Our [[strikethrough]] Verbs you will notice are the shortest words in any language & all express what I say. Cut, crash, crack, slip, knock, tap, sip, sup,loll, & I think our language has yet an advantage over others that our grammar men have not seen fit to interfere with their standing alone that we can see them when we read & hear them easier when we talk. And our prepositions the purest of all verbs how short the little things are at aft (comparative after, still farther aft
almost overboard) another syllable would drown it) by d-ow-n of on in up.
This [[strikethrough]] would in it [[strikethrough]] shortness would in itself be a strong reason for believing the verbs as the roots, [[strikethrough]] but your [[strikethrough]] but your knowledge & comparisons of the different languages will furnish you stronger ones yet in addition, and if in reading the wishes of a [[strikethrough]] denier [[strikethrough]] denyer of this theory you find him give some reason for its not being so [[strikethrough]] let [[strikethrough]] instead of contenting himself with a naked denial or bringing scriptures of Moses & the tower of Babel let me know so that I can give it its value to oppose [[strikethrough]] ou [[strikethrough]] to the favoring facts.