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name, & we can easily afford it having now only Active & Passive while if I remember the Greek had at least three. 

Here is a little foot note in a celebrated Spanish Grammar under a thousand rules,

En effet les anciens écrivains espagnols employaient l'imparfait du subjonctif en ra dans le même sens que le plus-que parfait latin, et cela se pratique encore qeulquefois chez les modernes. Exemple: Los libros que él leyera, les livres qu'il avaient lus (latin libros quos legerat). You recognize ley-era as being - he was read the books instead of he had read the books.  The only difference in the way of [[strikethrough]] expre [[strikethrough]] thinking is that in one way, to be, you are affected or qualified by your act & in the other you are owning or possessing it.  There is a similar English case   He was deeply read. Nobody will be fool enough to wonder who read him as John S. Heart would ask as in his pound of butter question.

Here are some more Spanish rules about conditionals

Les espagnols emploient fréquemment l'imparfait du subjonctif en ra à la