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It is funny. You will probably appreciate the funniness of it. Is it still warm in R.? Have you been run away with yet, if not why not? I suppose you will be a very stunning rider by the time we see you again. Lillie says she is going to R with aunt somebody is that so if so I suppose you are glad or will be to see some of the family. Are'nt you ever homesick I know [[deuced?]] well I should be the first week. I know I shall hate fearfully to leave this old town when the time comes. Dr. Smith does'nt like to be called the Lord that is all the matter with him. We had a stunning time at P.L.W. 

Dan don't like the N.E climate.

Remember me to Minnie an Hattie I saw Nell Bennett on the street the other day she was gotten up in big style. "We neve [[never]] speak as we pass by." All well at the Maples

Yours with Love. Ned
Please don't write too soon. will you?
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best. It was amateur night and things went on passably until the manager announced a young lady in recitation. She was real stout and not real young. She began ("The waves slept") That was enough the gallery could'nt stand it and one fellow "Drag her off"  Then everyone yelled and stamped, I never heard such a noise in my life. The y.l. stood there with her mouth open for about 5 minutes and then the manager did come and drag her off. We left after that but I shall never forget "The waves slept" as long as I live.   Harry, Dan & I walked home from Grove Hall that night and Dan got turned around a little he only thought Boston was over in Hyde Park and that your house was on the left of Adams from Ashtmont St. and he was'n very very full either!  I lost my hat one cold eve. going in on the train between Harrison Sq. and Savin Hill and had to ride the rest of the way minus the [[image - sketch of a hat]]. For once I was the center of attraction as the child who lost its hat. I was lucky in having money enough to buy another. I am not usually so flush
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