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great appetite.  The Capt. has a fine old [[head?]] and he says he will pose.  I think he will make a good sketch.  How does the portrait look or have'nt you got it yet? I am sorry I didn't have time to finish some of it more but we will try to do better next time. 
I will write you all about London when we get there if we ever do.  We will probably be there by Wednesday. Oct. 8. if we have good luck which I hope we will have. Mr.[[C or G]] tells me that at a quarter past four this aft. we were just in the middle of the Atlantic. I will write you my address as soon as we get to London and dont fail to write and tell me all about your self.  How are the children give my regards to them and tell Lillie it was very kind of her to write that note
Give my regards to your mother and H.P. I was very kind of her to come way over to see me off.
Yours as ever and I hope for ever   Ned

than that. A calm ocean voyage isn't so very bad after all.  I intend making some sketches of the passengers and that will give you a better idea of what they are like than any writing I could do.  There are three sisters of uncertain age aboard who are very amusing  They lay on the deck on steamer chairs all day long and have their meals brought up to them.  One would pass in a crowd; she is about 25 or 26 the other two are older and would not pass in any kind of a crowd.  one look very much like Miss Howard who teaches in the [[?Havs?]] school.  They are the people that John [Preshin?] came down to see off.
Then there is a dude who goes to Oxford England to school with a mouth like [?Horace?] tunnel, lots of English people and an American missionary from China.  I can [envy?] to say he is American for he [[?has?]] the most deplorable specimen of humanity I have seen this many a day.  Eats with his knife.  A mighty few heathen I should think he would convert.
But about your self.  How have you