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at home and got my drawing so you could tell what it was meant for. Wednesday the professeur came round. Every thing is as quiet as the grave the day he comes. No one speaks above a whisper. Well he came around & looked at the drawings Yours truly's among the rest. He found a good deal that was out about it in a very short time. But was very quiet about it. 

Saturday he came around again and when he sat down he was evidently agreeably impressed with the way I had executed the thing. Then he leaned back and looked again and said no, it is not good in poses. well that staggered me and then he went on and told me why it was not good but added that it was done in a very good way and seemed to rather like some of it in spite of its faults; so I am rather encouraged than otherwise. 

And now about the students here. They draw just as badly [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethtough]] as any other students you ever saw; that is some of them and some of them draw very well and some of them very well indeed but I am rather disappointed in their work as a whole and their painting I think is beastly. I dont like it at all except some that was done three or four years ago.