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He had some great arguments with the Mansfields about the book. They were prejudiced against the book. 

There how is that for a message. You know you need'nt take it unless you like. I wonder if that will make you mad I hope not. Anyway I suppose I may consider myself forgiven. May I not?

Madame tried to teach me french last night and was greatly horrified when I told her I did'nt care to learn. Of course I do but told her I did not just for fun, she did not catch on to the joke so I shall have to let up on American jokes on her they are lost. I dont know whether I told you in my last that we were going to have a fete last Sunday night. I think I did. Well we had it; it was great fun we had some very good singing. One young lady played on the piano. She took the prize at the concervatoir last year for the piano. She was great. Miss Hale and an American tenor who is studying here gave a duet and the Polsons sang. The young ladies' brother played [[text obscured]] and gives lessons. Very gifted. Very gifted. Dont mension it. We also had a large dinner in fact I enjoyed the dinner as much as any part. In fact I think I enjoyed it more. In fact I think I did. I think this is rather a lengthy epistle for the amount of information it conveys. Now is'nt that a good sentence?

Give my love to all the family and Harry in particular. Does Edith cry any nights now that I dont come over there to sleep? I suppose not? Do Maud and Willie W. occupy the parlor evenings now?

Yours with heaps of love