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red uniform. You would think they owned the world. I always want to kick them but of course that would not do. We stayed about a week in London the first time. Then we went to Paris. We crossed the English channel in the night. It was very rough; then we had to ride about 5 hours in the train to Paris.

When we got there it seemed so funny to hear every one speaking french. We could not understand a word. We got a cab man to take us to a hotel. We had the name of the hotel on a piece of paper, so we did not have to say anything but just handed him the paper.

We had hard work at first to get anything to eat. We use to point to the things on the bill of fare. Then the waiter would laugh but we did not care. After a while we got to like Paris very much.

We got a nice boarding place where there were some Americans so we could have someone to talk to. We also got so we could understand some french and so got on very well. I tell you we hated to leave but the cholera broke out and we had to. I expect to go back soon as it is much


better now. Paris is the cleanest city I was ever in. The streets are all paved with wood like Columbus Ave. at home and are all washed and swept every morning.

In the aft every one goes out to ride or walk in the Champ Elysee's. That is a long park with trees, fountains and Punch and Judy shows and candy shops and in fact everything you could want. These are all on the sidewalk which is as wide as the whole of Adams St. Then the road is very wide and is filled with people, all riding horseback or driving. You see lots of soldiers in bright uniforms riding and walking and children, with hoop and balloons, out with their nurses, who look after them all the time. I don't think you would like to live there. You could not go out without a nurse. They even go to school with them to see that they don't get lost. Do you think any of you would get lost going to school? I think not. 

I am afraid I will have to stop now. Merry Christmas to you all. I hope you get lots of presents. 
Love to all. Ned.

Transcription Notes:
I changed "misses" and "miss" to "nurses" and "nurse" -- Tom