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yet? Who is teaching you or do you know how? I only wish I was there to skate with you. Isn't it funny or tragic, I don't know which, that we never see each other in the winter time. I think it is tragic to the last degree. I haven't seen the photo of that picture yet. Mother said she sent it in her last letter that's a week ago. I sent a Christmas Graphic. I thought it might interest you. I guess I will go into town and see if I can get some Xmas cards. That is the only thing you can send to Am. without the person's whom you send it to, having to pay duty on. I always feel mad when I think I can't send you anything without it costing you a small fortune to get it after it arrived. I am going to write a long letter to your mother before I leave England I have been meaning to ever since I have been here. I guess I'll stop as I have spoiled 2 sheets of paper. Love to everyone. All the love you can imagine for yourself and a lot more now. P.S. I thought I had covered the 4 sides but find I have one more. That gives me a new lease on life and a chance to tell you how much more I think of you than I did on the last page. That is a bright thought I guess I will put that in a joke book. Do you think it would prove fatal? Oh! I have forgot it a dozen times but the seal on your letter reminds me of when I was first crushed on you. That was that year when we drove up from the cape. Did I ever tell you that I had been clear gone ever since. It was a case of L at first sight on my part. It’s more now than ever. Grows more every day. Think I should swell up and burst with it if I didn’t tell you of it so you will forgive the presumption. Wont you dear. Sorry you put such bad ideas into Ediths head about dogs and music. Or are they purely original. Tell her Tarbell sends his love to her. Tell the boys to burn the cow next time and imagine they are out west. Still more love. Ned