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that was very interesting. The girl who showed us around wanted to sell us some. She said it would be just the thing to send to our sweet hearts. I guess she did'nt know we were art students. The lace was fine but our pockets would allow of our buying any much as we would have liked to.

After that we went to the botanical gardens. They have a large vl. of tropical plants, and a beautiful large garden. It would be great in summer. Then we walked about the town looking into the shops and seeing the place generally. We bought some photos. of the town and of some of the pictures; then we came back so d. tired that we could hardly go up to our rooms. After dinner we felt somewhat refreshed and now we are doing our best to spoil some paper. We had a splendid nights sleep last night and also on the train coming acrost to Antwerp. I made one or two little sketches, one in the

cathedral and one of a canal here. I also made a few in Antwerp. Every one in Antwerp speaks a little English a little french. and a good deal of bad duch. We would begin to ask them in french and when we got half through we would find that they spoke English. Then we would start all over again. It is the same here. They have someone in all the shops who speaks some sort of english.

Most of the buildings are of a light cream colour, which gives the town a very cheery look, a good deal like Paris. A great many of the dwelling houses have red tiled roofs with endis like this. [[image - sketch of house top]] They look awfully stunning, a fellow wants to stop and sketch them all, but as we have a very limited amount of time we have to refrain.

Tomorrow we expect to be in Cologne or as the natives spell it Coeln. I dont know what kind of a place it is or how we shall get there but will trust to