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have no reason to doubt them. Altogether I rather like the place. It is rather a pretty town and they have some very fine pictures here, also some good artists

The words in the ger. language get away with any thing I ever heard, saw or dreampt of. We count the letters in all the long words. We have got one now that I think will hold it's own for some time to come. A little champion as it were. There are 26 letters in it. I should think that by the time they got half through spelling it they would have grown grey with age or forgotten what they were spelling. 

Some of the soldiers here are very tall, I should think over 6 ft. while others are so short that I feel quite a decent size being. They are very funny as Graves says "[[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] more fun than a cage of monkeys."

The cab drivers all look as if they had mittens on their feet and coats that are

cut biass. They are great, going along whacking their poor old frames of horses. They look like good fat dumplings dun up in meal bags. I had an idea from what people said that all the germans lived on was sausage, saurkraut and beer: but I am agreeably surprised. I think they cook better here than in any place I have been in. The bread is perfectly delicious, the finest I ever tasted. Personally I prefer Frenchmen to Germans, they are not so bearish but as a whole I think the gers. are more stupid and inoffensive.

They dress in the most horrible style, worse than the english, if such a thing could be possible. The french and americans, look and dress more alike than any other people that I have seen.

Among other curious things in Germany are the beds. They look like this. [[image]] Mine has three pillows, one blanket, one spred and the thing on top which is like an enlarged pillow

Transcription Notes:
[[image: drawing of bed]]