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fast as she could go. evidently she was not enjoying the latter part of her racket. The man with her looked as mean as if he had [[[[strikethrough]] killed [[/strikethrough]] stolen a sheep.

Every night in the sq. you see figures hurrying to and fro with masks and dominos on. Every time the crowd sees one of their merry makers they all give a rush for him or her and push and jam each other about in the vain endeavor to get a glimse at [[the?]] him. The great disguise seems to be for a man to get up in girls costume. I have seen more of these than of any other kind. There was a whole troop of boys out the other night in costumes. They met a pretty girl carrying a child and immediately proceeded to have fun with her. They cuddled the child, kissed her, chucked them both under them chin and finally

left for partners new. The girl did not seem to mind it. I saw her a few minutes later walking up and down the square as if nothing had happened.

You know that a person in costume in the time of the carnival can do almost anything, speak to anyone and I guess kiss any pretty girl he sees without being molested. The head waiter is going to take us around to see the sights some night and then I will be able to tell you all about it. There is a mask ball at the big theater here during the carnival and I guess they have a lively time. The waiter is also going to take us there. I started another picture today, this time a girl with a bonnet on, straw one with white silk or satin string tied under the chin. The same girl, this makes the fourth time I have painted her