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Paris, Nov. 13,/85

My own darling:

I have just got a letter from you and a paper from F.W. 

My dear you are doing lovely, only for heavens sake leave Mr. A's name out of your ans. to this. I have had it in the three last letters ad I dont think I can stand it much more. You will confer a great favour on your future if you leave a space when you come to his name.

I started in on wednesday and worked like the deuce every morn. so far. In the aft., I take a good walk and look at some pictures then I go home draw a hand then I study and write a letter to my darling. As I said I struggle like blazes on this thing 

as of course I could'nt draw as well as I did when I left. I had'nt drawn a nude figure for so long and every thing was new and in fact I did'nt expect to get anything but on the contrary he, the professeur, liked it first rate. He said the sentiment was not true and that it was pas mal (not bad). This professeur is very severe and the boys use to think if he said pas mal to them that they were getting to be quite large men: so I feel quite elated, to think he gave it to me on my first drawing.

I feel now after that as if I might get some of the prizes if I am not sick! I am awfully glad you are studying french and like it. Dont get sick darling what ever you do. You kow you are not so much stronger than