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yours.  I do hope nothing will happen to her: but I am rather anxious as you never can tell about those things especially the first time.  I hope dear that you wont have any more sick turns and if you do, dont [[strikethrough]] leth [[/strikethrough]] let any one dose you as I did.  I was awfully scared that time but did not want to tell you at the time.  It is trying to clear up and we may have a pleasant day after all.  Wont is be nice if I can sell my pictures as fast as I can paint them.  Then we can live like decent folks and get married tout de suite.  I have an idea for a picture in fact two ideas for pictures which I want to paint this winter.  I shall make studies for them almost every day. 
You know the big exhibition that they have here every year; that is called the Salon.  You have often 

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heard me speak of it.  Well I want to get a picture in this year and am going to try hard for it.

Just give me a good word in answer to this: say you know I will get in &c... I am awfully glad you and Miss Aldrich get on so well together and think you must enjoy each other's company very much.

I dont see how any one can help likeing my little girl.  I know you will think that is foolish but it is what I think.  Do have the photo taken to send to your future  Send it to me for a Xmas present only send it before if you can.

Remember me to Aunt Tillie's family and tell them I appreciate their thinking of us.  We had a quite a circus yesterday at the school  Two of the [[strikethrough]] moteds [[/strikethrough]] models had a wresting match, a nigger and a white man