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Paris. Dec. 5. 85

My darling little wife to be,

I received yours of the 19th last Tuesday the 1st of Dec. You wanted to know how long it would take it to get here.

My dear love you dont know how I long to see you once again. I was wondering tonight what you were doing and thinking how I should like to drop in and hold you in my arms. Keep up your courage and all will come out well and we [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] will [[strikethrough]] let [[/strikethrough]] live to sit at our own table and two of them if we like. 

I have been getting on quite well at the school but am going to take a rest this next week so not to get sick. I have not been so yet and dont want to. The [[strikethrough]] sr [[/strikethrough]] boys all seem to think your future hub. is quite clever and I hope we may make enough people think so 

to make a living. Dont you darling? Tomorrow we are going to look for a model for our picture, the one I wrote about in my last. Monday we commence on it. I have showed my Venitian sketches to some of the boys and they all seem to like them

Darling you dont know how many times I look forward to the time when we will be together always. Until then I shall try to learn to draw and paint. I suppose you get tired seeing that in all my letters but I think of it all the time and so cant help [[strikethrough]] writt [[/strikethrough]] writing about it. I am going to stop now dear and go to bed as I am very [[strikethrough]] tried [[/strikethrough]] tired. I will write you the rest tomorrow. Good night my darling. 

Sunday Dec. 6
I have been racing all over Paris to-day after a costume and a