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Paris. Dec. 8. 85.

My own darling Emmie.

Just think how the time flies this week we must send our things home for Xmas. The only things we can send that you wont have to pay duty on are cards: so I suppose I will have to send them 

I will bring your presents with me when I come in the summer. Is that all right dearest. You speak of not getting letters from me; I dont see where they go to for I write oftener than once a week 

Do believe me darling I write to you every spare minute I have. I would write twice a week if I had the time and I do when I have it Now dear believe me I think of you all the time and only look forward to the time when we shall be together always. I speak in this way because in your last you seemed to feel bad because you had not heard from me and seemed [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] to think I did not write 

If any of my letters have caused you to think I did not love you even more then ever then they did not convay the meaning I ment them to. If I have caused you a moments pain; and you say I have a good many; then dearest I am sorry and hope you will forgive me and believe me I shall never let any thing come between you and me again. No matter what I hear. Do you understand me darling. Now dear I know you love me and I will never get mad at anything you write again: I know you dont mean it that way and I am sorry I ever said anything about us for it takes so long a time to get answers to our letters that if either should die in the mean time I never should for-give myself. Forgive me dear? 

I had quite a long [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] letter from Graves at the same time I got your last and he seemed to be in good spirits and 

Transcription Notes:
Graves is mentioned in other letters