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Dec 10
I did'nt have a chance to finish my letter to my darling last night as I had to go acrost the river. Today it is as cold as Iceland and I made a fearful bad thing at the class and an all together I am as blue as indigo. We now have the last stick of wood on the fire, which said stick of wood we stole from brother Page. I tell you darling things look blue tonight: it seems as thought the money just blew away I cant keep any track of it any way so I guess I wont try. Tomorrow I am going to try to get something if it breaks my neck. The picture I started is getting on first rate and I think it will be the best one I have ever done.

This letter I hope will get [[strikethrough]] here [[/strikethrough]] to you about Xmas time and I hope will find you well and with good courage for the future. Write and tell me all about your thoughts [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] for the future and 

what you think we had better do and so forth. We ought to be thinking what we will do I suppose dont you dear? It seems awfully nice to look forward to living together all the time and being able to struggle with life together. If I dont know to draw better before spring I shall give up my trip to Venise till next year. I am going to learn to do that any way. What do you think of my plans dear. You are good at advising your love are you not? What do you think? Dont you think he ought to stay here till he can draw? I dont mean that I shant come home to you but only not to go to V.

We have had another snow [[strikethrough]] stom [[/strikethrough]] storm since the one I wrote you abut in my last and the streets are in a