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Uncle Jose hovers about. but is not often here. He came out of the snow blocade unharmed - as usual. Uncle Charly suffered more - crawling at one time over drifts on his hands and knees! Sam S - came in last eve'g, while Grandma & I sat alone in the house - the others all being over in town at Thomas requiem concert - for the dead Emperor. Poor Sam, was so pathetic and sweet - wanted sympathy, was going to Dr Allen for heroic treatment at 1. O'ck today! Was to take Ether, & have his own M.D. there, & three hours for some days to recruit. Wife knew nothing of it - I think his heart was full - He found Etta gone out too, so that we did what we could for him  - It was so hard not to be able to do anything for him - Shall go to his house tomorrow.

There must be some growth in his nose  that has to be cut out. Would Cecil like to do it? - Ella's lunch party comes off tomorrow- It will be a success in point of numbers anyhow. Just think of Julia coming - & of her inviting Miss Souder - & her [[?]]. The boys will dine with us. Their hair is cut - and teeth filled so they will be quite superb- We see very little of them, excepting when they comes to watch the progress of the Yacht. We are so glad that at last, your first letters have reached you. It gave you a peep at our true inwardness- relating to your departure and absence!- It seems very forever, since our last letter. Of course, the boy's letters and all peoples are good.- but you must see how long we wait for ours, at the slit in the front door.