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May went to the Cours with me this morning to see the Concours and when I came home this evening and poured out my woes, she said mine was as good as any of them - but it is'nt. 

Poor little chap Harry with his shivers and then sickness. Very glad to hear of big Harry's triumphs - and Grandma's going to church - she sent me such a good page last week. And dear Miss Annie - dont she want to come over with Aunt Eliza. I'll have to think a minute about - Mr Ferris - don't see why he took the room at all. 

I'll get the screw-eye, toute de suite - have been meaning to all along - but I am really very vigorous indeed and use the strap for my shoulders all the time. We have for neighbors now May and I, a singer from The Opera Comique and a young Irish English man of the most amusing type. He sits next me at table and is a perfect circus. 

The trees are really coming out now and you never saw anything lovelier than the parks and little gardens the greenest - emeralds and diamonds - far too many of the latter. It rains nearly every minute-