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vouched for her being clean and good.  She is good, but no Breton could be very clean and when there are no dish cloths what is she to wipe the pots on?

Yesterday, I went and had a first criticism from Mr Lasar at his pupils' (the [[Gaeun?]]) studio - took a little, not good out-door sketch, just for a beginning.  If I do any thing big, I will get him to come here and look at it - but I thought I might as well take pochades to him.  His teaching is entirely different from the Julian - much more modern and less academical.  He teaches values & color more than anything else, is very scientific and particularly good for outdoor work.  There was no work of any account - Miss Conant had the [[runt?]] and best, for all her poor eyes and limited hours a day.

I take it all back that I said about this place not having the natural beauty of Gloucester or any other place.  It has some. I hadn't half seen it when I spoke.


This is such a poor idea that I'll make another, and so you'll know how we are.  Its made and is not very exact as to the proportion and distances but you know I'm not a mappy person.

All the digues, the Quay, and fortress of course, are massive stone, going straight down into the water, and when the tide goes out the bottom part of them is left all kinds of green-brown and other slimy colors.

The boats all have brown sails, and come in very skillfully shaving that round digue.  There has hardly been any fishing at all this summer but on Friday there was quite a large haul of Sardines and the town suddenly became very busy.  It was a beautiful misty evening with sun breaking through.  It was a fine sight down on the Quay, when the boats were coming in, and they were unloading the little silver fishes in brown baskets, and wading around in water up to their waists.  The cold was like Holland.  If you remember that the houses and stone work are grey & greyish white;  that the sails are dark red and brown;  that there are delicate nets with cork edges hanging over the [[?]] against the sky;  that the people are every shade of rich dark blue, and black, and yellow;  that the coiffs make the clearest white dines and spots;  and that the boats are black with purple shadows - and beautiful green slime where the tide has gone out, and the softest distances [[?long]] [[?where]] of water, shores, fortress and fields - you will get an idea of how it looked.

We went out on that round digue and looked down into the boats.  Some of them 

Transcription Notes:
The image is a sketch map of the area with place names.