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and a carpet spread down for people to kneel on - the ceremony was beside this Cross and I am so sorry we missed it—  One never knows just when anything is going to happen here—

Letter from Aunt Sarah declines my invitation but I dont need them now and shall get off cheaply if Miss Bryer goes—  May had a hope that they might come here but they dont want the expensive journey—

I ought to be writing to Dr Bacon and a lot of other people  Poor B. what a pity she did not come—  Were there ever people who made bigger plans for movement and then did not—  

I have never written to Mrs Burnham and I hope that when you see them you will give them my love - I really dont have time for letters—   Am so glad the Bacons are not going to be actually next door - but will they all come to our church!

The fleas are dreadful now - May and I are all Covered with wounds and bruises and putrifying sores—  May sends 
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a pile of love and says she is glad you are hers too—
Good night
Love L.

This quiet Sunday morning makes me feel as if it really was Sunday particularly as a bell has been ringing that sounds like a church bell—

Our trip to Pont-Aven was very nice indeed - a most lovely afternoon and a queer interesting little town—  We passed a huge Druid stone on the way - standing upright on the brow of a hill - like the one in the photo I sent you - only this had a cross carved on top standing [[right?]] up out of the top of the stone like this — [[sketch]] And all moss grown.  Pont-Aven has a beautiful rushing river running right through it with mills and water wheels—  And just above the town which is only a sort of village there is a little valley and a grove - indescribably beautiful—  With the gentle river gliding through It is the 23d Psalm.

We went up to the Hotel and I saw Madame Julia the dame if you remember whom we met in the train on the way here—  And her salon full of sketches by all the artists who had ever been there—
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Transcription Notes:
I don't think the 2nd page follows on from the 1st. The text makes no sense linked.