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to give me something nice for it, but great prize as the something might be - that would'nt be my reward—  Naturally I was pretty nervous over it - though he was very kind and did his best to encourage me all the time—  I know he thinks I have the right stuff in me for a painter the stuff that digs and thinks and will not be satisfied and is never weary of the effort of painting nor counts the cost—  Even among the men here there is hardly one who does this - they think to heighten an atmospheric effect they must force it - whereas the only thing to do is to get it right—  Needless to say he can do this and he puts all his power and he has much into it— 

My two women are teaching me a great deal - Even if they are not a success they will have done much for me—  You see I have nothing to say this week but any 
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Sunday Sept 24—

Dear ones at home once more—
This letter will I am sure find you all at 4305—  Perhaps the last one did—  The days here all drawing on to a close - but still I dont know about Italy - Miss Boyer will surely hear this week—  If you thought I could'nt go with May - you would'nt think it much better for me to be going with Miss Boyer—  I dont altogether enjoy the idea myself as she is an excitable nervous little thing and of course I know her very slightly—  I shant break my heart if I cant go this time, as I dont feel as if this would be the last of Europe for me - what I want is that you should all have some of it—  If you could only see some our 

They wont keep any sunshine out—
'A-voir' as they [[say]] here for 'Au revoir'—
Your Child—

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