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has for me—
Aunt Eliza says I have the [[lingo?]] and wrote something that sounded like a book.  Indeed I try to write English and not to express myself in all the French terms that come as easily and express it so well—
What a pity - Morris [[Cary?]] did'nt come to amuse Emma and she only had the everlasting old Stilwell—  Shall hear next I hope about the birthdays - and shall be much disappointed if Harry's panel dont reach him safely—  Uncle Will might write to me I think - I found the paper with rich bachelors very entertaining - Also the English paper - with the 'In Memoriam' of Frank Hill and Henry James story—  The French Revolution has entirely gone to [[wall?]] - I dont have time for anything like that—
The Conants are going a week from tomorrow and we shall 
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have for something or other soon after—  Kate Kinsella will be back I suppose on Wednesday, so I only have two more days here—  The Conants have been awfully good to us and have certainly been raised up to take care of us—  When I have taken Mrs Conants portrait home and exhibited it etc I shall give it to her and that will be a reward—  They are going to be over here two or three years longer.  Lucy has come on wonderfully this last few weeks, but her mother badgers her terribly to put figures into her studies and make pictures out of them - as she is only twenty one it is a shame to push her this way and I shut the old lady all I can  about it—  I wish you could see us at one tiny table in the sky kitchen in the evening - often we have