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Tuesday Oct. 9. [1888?]

Yesterday I "fixed things" with Ferris, & have no further obligations about the studio - & who do you think is going to take it but Miss Van Trump! She will lease it for a year from November 1st - don't know who succeeds to her old room. Ferris was very kind in making this arrangement - really took a good deal of trouble, - came out to 4305 twice - & yesterday when I went to his son's room [[strikethough]] to look [[/strikethough]] with the keys he told me to take any etching of his on the walls that I fancied! Of course I didn't - but he gave me one two impressions of his last plates, - & then said he'd be much obliged if I would let him make a pencil sketch of me, some time! - an hour or so would be all! & c. His son Gerome is going to Paris soon to study more with J.T. Gerome,-& he keeps the small room that his son occupied, but does a great deal of his etching at his house. 

So that is settled, & off our minds. And now you can give your attention calmly to your arrangements for next fall & winter. Both Belle & Laurie have expressed their approval of May's staying on,- but there is such a hurry & hurly burly, between Darby & the Drinker family, that no