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of our own Northwest - but nothing else could be what these Italian lakes are- She will have told you just where we have been & how we get on - so I can give myself up to mild ravings though I assure you they were not mild when we climbed to the top of the Villa grounds today at Bellagio and found an old ruined wall and turret, on top of which we climbed and went daft going to pick sprigs of ivy and 'sich'. We left our hotel here at 12 m after seeing the churches - and took the boat up lake Como - passing all manner of gorgeous villas of all colours of the rainbow - on the way - the mountains got grander & grander as we went up the lake - and when we reached Bellagio we went & had our dinner out in a "sort of a kind of a" bower, looking directly out on the lake - just off the table d'hote salon of the hotel. After that we strolled up the quiet pathway that was a compromise between a cobblestone road & a long flight of steps the whole enclosed in stone walls giving us glimpses of the vine clad hills on the other side of the wall - till we got to the gate of the Villa - which is now used as a hotel - and beyond that gate, as I said I can't undertake to do anything but ejaculate oh! & Ah! - we almost shrieked at the beauty of it up in those woods looking down on Lakes Lecco and Como - from the ruin of that old tower and I was glad there were no strangers around to make us wish to contain our souls in our bodies.

We start so early tomorrow for Milan that I can't write much tonight - and have still to send a short one home so I must leave Leilie to do the most of the telling in this letter.

We are having the most perfect trip - & are so fortunate in this lovely weather - I would rather travel in Oct. anywhere I think than at another time of year. Now then goodnight with love to all the family at 4305 and much to yourself
from May