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herself & procuring the signature of Chit Whitlock as per pencilled directions, did thereafter most greeviously fail of her proper & bounden duty in one of three ways as follows to wit:—

(1) she did feloniously & wickedly fail to see & note the pencilled direction "(over)" on the lower Edge of the said paper
(2) she did feloniouslier & wickedlier fail to comply therewith & to "turn over", after seeing & noting the said direction
(3) she did after complying & turning over nevertheless feloniousliest & wickliest neglect & refuse to observe & comply with the last pencilled direction at the top of the other side, to wit:— the words "(consular certificate on this side)" & did then & there return the said assignment of Mtge by mail to this deponent without a consular certificate of the execution & acknowledgement, by which failure or neglect this deponent is prevented from having the said assignment entered of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Butler County Kansas USA, & therefore this deponent claims that the said Eliza Cecilia is liable in damages for all the suffering incurred by this deponent by reason of her failure & absence in foreign lands, & is furthermore liable to imprisonment in arms of this deponent immediately upon her return within the limits of this jurisdiction—