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is not going to be comfortable enough here for us to stay if we can find anything better—  If there was a door between the rooms which would let heat through - we would be all right but she dont want to light her fire and if she does it makes the room too hot—    My little stove behaves smartly now that I know how to manage it and my room is very nice for us both to spend the evening in  eat and make our breakfast only it is'nt quite big enough for us both to get into all over—   Of course May pays very little and could only pay a little and I thought that if I had a more expensive room she might share its small comforts—  But of course she has to come and go half dress and half undress in my room - and she dont have a good time at all and minds the discomfort more than she expected to—  I wish there was a sunny room in this house where we could be together - there is a lovely one for 80 frcs a 

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oriental and very nice - for $1.18 !
Pretty cheap were'nt they - the Louvre and The Bon Marché provided them—  I had to have a platform made and a kind of screen—   Most of all I have secured my model—  The beauty of beauties Louise Kinsella—   If I can only do her justice—  We all think her the most beautiful girl we ever saw—  She is blonde and has a perfectly unique appearance, which the picturesqueness, and eccentricity almost of her dress increases—  She dont pay the slightest attention to fashion (I have never seen her in ordinary street apparel) but dresses in whatever is becoming to her style - generally very loose sort of things with her golden hair loosely waving back from her forehead and half tumbling down her back— Last night we were down in the Estés room - it being their Friday at home—  And when the Kinsella girls came in Louise fairly took our breath away—  She had on a dark grey dress a lot of Coachmans Capes