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Philip Hale who is the strongest there are to take a studio in the Clichy quarter with Harrison as professor—  Mr Bush-Brown told me this and he is one of them - Is working now at Julien's and it was he who told me that P. Hale was getting on splendidly and was the strongest man at Julien's—  They miss old Boulanger very much - have Lefebvre only once a week—  Julian will have to look out for himself or the Americans will be stealing all his gold - they say that both the Passage and the rue de Berri are crowded—    

Good night - I'm dreadfully sleepy and must be winding up this twelve pager—  You certainly cant say I dont write—  I enjoy writing and never go to it as a duty - but it is'nt equal to reading the home letters - which is such an awfully short pleasure—    

Christmas will be over when you get this - Tell me all about it—
Your Sister—

[[right side]]
month on the third floor - but it never has sun - and not much light—

Belle has sent us each a pair of [[muffties?/muffters?]] - like yours Grandma, very pretty, but they put $10. value on the outside of the small parcel and after paying 1.50 themselves on it to start with we had to pay .75 cts more here - Hardly worth while-  I prepaid my box taking and you ought not to have to pay anything except perhaps a small duty 25. or 30 cts. Let me know at once if you should have to pay any more expressage as the man said we could inform him if they chaged [[charged]] any thing over and he would see to it—

I'm awfully sorry Uncle Will did not go to see Mr Hoeber - It would have been so jolly - Hoeby would have been pleased and they could have talked about me - and it would have been worth the trouble 

May and I are having an awful time trying to get hats.