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All the great artists have done it, and Rembrandt four times, and with most wonderful success. Though I could'nt have had the heart to make the face of Christ quite as wan and worn with suffering as he did. It shocks you a little at first but you feel the power of it more and more. Do you see I'm writing with one of three lovely pens - I'm so glad to have them. I hav'ent got my box yet, but I have been to Drexels and have written now to the people in Liverpool - never mind, don't think I shant enjoy it just as much. We are going to have the Austin's come, and have a grand opening when it does come, and have them to dinner. They are living on one straw a day, and we are giving them points in house-keeping and economy. I don't think we are going to manage to be together as they don't want to come up to this region, and I dont want to go so far away

30 rue Vaugirard, 1889
Jan 6, Sunday morning.
The Sun is shining brightly and I'm alive and well, and I suppose ought to be Thankful - but I've just met with such a dire calamity. We got ourselves up in our best, and started out to go to church, to the rue de Berri - and Oh, I lost my purse with frcs 37.50 - nearly $8 in it. I had it in my muff, and May gave me hers and her card-case to hold at the same time, while she put her gloves on, and I clutched them all three, but we passed an ash-cart where a man was making a lot of dust, and we rushed accross the street to get off of it, trying to knock the ashes off with our handkerchiefs, and I suppose that it was then that the one middle purse dropped out, as they were all three  slippery