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I fill up my days without any other model but I hope to catch Mr Lasar and am even thinking of Aunt Sarah—  Shall begin at Julian's the 1st of Feb—

We have had two such nice evenings since I last wrote—  Margaret Lesley's dinner on New Years eve was delightful May and I were the only extra females as M. and her friend Dr Hobart made two—  Mr Harrison, Philip Hale, a Mr Adams, and Mr B.B were the foul men—  We had roast turkey and cranberries, and vegitables [[vegetables]] several of them, all on our plates at once - A real American dinner—  And plum pudding for dessert - It was very jolly, and homelike and every one was so nice—  Margaret looked lovely in a kind of crushed strawberry plush dress, made long and plain and a while [[white?]] lace scarf around her neck—  May wore her grey [[Cassinelle?]] dress and said I never looked so well before - in my Miss Mary Brown silk with my ancient creamy lace fichu like a cape around my

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neck and shoulders - sleeves shortened
to the elbows with broad lace, sort of Charlotte Corday effect—  Philip Hale was excruciatingly funny in his solemn way, but I could never tell his good things straight.  He looked like a baboon as he lets his hair grow long and has a beard. It is evidently the fashion among students to let their hair grow slightly long after the fashion of about 40 years ago—  Mr Harrison is a great contrast as he is always so clean and stylish—  We played 20 questions and had much fun—  Mr H entered into it with his usual system and seriousness and with my bold guesses we managed to ferret out the very small spot in the rug which they had chosen for us to discover-  I wish you could have seen him standing in the middle of the rugs (when we had discovered that it was some spot or other) with a pair of tongs in his hand saying - "I know it must be a small spot not a large one, or Mr Brown would'nt have given me these tongs to point it out with" this was a serious and reasonable